Futuristic movie article and Sacbee quotation

You can find an article I wrote for CRACKED.com here. It’s about dated futuristic movies. You might find it a little more crass and more generically offensive than usual, but that’s merely to conform to the editorial standards at CRACKED.com.

Also, on November 19th this site was randomly quoted in an article about board games in the Sacramento Bee:

Nov 19th 2007 Sacramento Bee

I admit that it’s kind of a jarring, disconnected quotation, but at least now I have a blurb for eKarjala that I can attribute to a major newspaper: “Ouch!” raves the Sacramento Bee. My next blurb will probably be something like: “Well that was just fucking mean,” praises the Kansas City Star.

5 thoughts on “Futuristic movie article and Sacbee quotation

  1. from the east cost you’ve got two more hours to get the second installment done…from there, don’t sweat it-you’ve got five. We are watching.

  2. Yeah, sorry about the “moving update” for January 1st. Hopefully I won’t just keep changing the date on that one single update. I will post something or other tonight, although it will technically be the 3rd. Then I’ll just change the timestamp to say the 2nd because I’m a liar.

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